Quickstart Guide

Ready to create your first API with PromptJoy? Here's how:

  1. Sign Up/Log In: If you're new here, start by creating an account on https://preview.promptjoy.com. PromptJoy leverages Auth0 so that you can use your existing Google or GitHub account to sign in.

  2. Create Your API: Create your API by simply describe what you want your API to do on https://preview.promptjoy.com/apis/new. For instance, "You're an API that takes a city name and returns a landmark"

  3. Deploy Your API: Once you're happy with your API description, hit the "Create API" button. Your API is now alive on a scalable server platform.

  4. Test Your API: You can try out your new API right within PromptJoy. Just input the required inputs and hit "Test". You'll see the output immediately.

  5. Integrate Your API: Now that your API is ready, it's time to introduce it to your application. We provide examples in Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Go, Java, and C# to help you get started.

And that's it! You have just created your first API with PromptJoy.

Last updated